The West Chester University Center for Community Solutions serves as a link between the University and the community. To partner with CCS, please complete a Community Partner Engagement Application or a Student Engagement Application accessible within the boxes to the right.

Student Employment Process

If you are a new student partner, please complete the hiring process provided below.

If you are a current student partner or have been previously employed by West Chester University, please ensure clearances are up-to-date and submit your hours in eTime and complete a Work Summary Form for compensation each pay period as outlined below.

New Student Partner/WCU Employee Hiring Process:

  • Complete electronic New Student Employee Paperwork provided by Student Payroll via DocuSign
  • Complete clearances as outlined by WCU Student Payroll and Human Resource Offices
  • Provide Compliance Coordinator at the West Chester University Human Resources Office with completed clearances
    Student Payroll Office
    201 Carter Drive, Suite 100
    West Chester PA 19382

Submitting Hours & Work Summary Form

To ensure that you are accurately compensated for your work, the CCS requires hours to be submitted to eTime each week! Please refer to the eTime Guide for clear instructions on how to log in and utilize the self-portal to track your hours.

In addition to logging your hours into eTime, a Work Summary Form is to be completed for each pay period to document the duties and responsibilities that you have completed and/or are working on with your community partner.

Quick Links

For questions, please contact Dr. Julie Dietrich at 610-436-3424 or