Estimated General Fees & Components 2024-2025


Estimated General Fee 2024-2025 (mandatory)

  • Undergraduate Full-time (12 or more credits) $1,290.58 (flat rate)
  • Undergraduate Part-time (1-11 credits) $107.54 (per credit hour)
  • Graduate Full-time (9 credits or more) $1,430.03 (flat rate)
  • Graduate Part-time (less than 9 credits) $135.45* (per credit hour)
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

**The part-time graduate general fee does not include the Health Center Fee. Part-time graduate students (registering for less than nine graduate credits) have the option of electing to pay the Student Health Center Fee ($24.67 per credit). Acceptance or rejection of this option must be made at the time of initial registration for each semester or summer session.

The distance education fee is charged at 15% of the tuition rate for the distance course for which a student is enrolled.

General Fee Components 2024-2025

Undergraduate Full-time Total $1,290.58

  • Educational Services $409.70
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $222.01
  • Covers the use of the University Health Center.

  • SSI/Student Services Fee$195.25
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement$60.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $111.76

  • Parking Improvement $110.52
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $181.34
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities.
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

Undergraduate Part-time Total $107.54 per credit hour

  • Educational Services $34.14
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $18.50

  • SSI/Student Services Fee$16.27
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement$5.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $9.31
  • Pays for the operation and use of the Sykes Student Union building.

  • Parking Improvement $9.21
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $15.11
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities.
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

Graduate Full-time Total $1,430.03

  • Educational Services $734.40
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $222.01
  • Covers the use of the University Health Center.

  • GSA $10.00
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement$60.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $111.76
  • Pays for the operation and use of the Sykes Student Union building.

  • Parking Improvement $110.52
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $181.34
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

Graduate Part-time Total $135.45 per credit hour*

  • Educational Services $81.60
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $24.67*
  • Covers the use of the University Health Center.

  • GSA $2.00
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement$7.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $12.42
  • Pays for the operation and use of the Sykes Student Union building.

  • Parking Improvement $12.28
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $20.15
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities.
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

**Special Programs Include: MA in Speech-Language Pathology, MSW in Social Work, MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and M.Ed in School Counseling.

*The part-time graduate general fee does not include the Health Center Fee.
Part-time graduate students (registering for less than nine graduate credits) have the option of electing to pay the Student Health Center Fee ($24.67 per credit). Acceptance or rejection of this option must be made at the time of initial registration for each semester or summer session made at the time of initial registration for each semester or summer session.


Doctorate/Special Programs** Full-time Total $1,674.83

  • Educational Services $979.20
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $222.01
  • Covers the use of the University Health Center.

  • GSA $10.00
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement $60.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $111.76
  • Pays for the operation and use of the Sykes Student Union building.

  • Parking Improvement $110.52
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $181.34
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities.
Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.


Doctoral/Special Programs** Part-time Total $162.65 per credit hour*

  • Educational Services $108.80
  • Students pay this fee in lieu of specific department charges. These funds are used for instructional equipment and supplies for professors, maintenance of library circulation materials, and supports academic computing services.

  • Health Center $24.67*
  • Covers the use of the University Health Center.

  • GSA $2.00
  • Funds student activities, services, clubs and sports.

  • Auxiliary Enhancement $7.00
  • Supports auxiliary renovation projects.

  • Sykes Union $12.42
  • Pays for the operation and use of the Sykes Student Union building.

  • Parking Improvement $12.28
  • This fee is dedicated to improving the quality and availability of campus parking for students. Improvements include new student parking spaces, improved shuttle service between North & South campus, and various safety improvements.

  • Student Recreation Center $20.15
  • This fee supports the construction and operation of the Student Recreation Center. The building includes a fitness center, track, gym, multi-activity courts, rock-climbing wall and other amenities.

**Special Programs Include: MA in Speech-Language Pathology, MSW in Social Work, MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and M.Ed in School Counseling.

*The part-time Doctoral/Special Programs general fee does not include the Health Center Fee.
Part-time Doctoral/Special Programs students (registering for less than nine graduate credits) have the option of electing to pay the Student Health Center Fee ($24.67 per credit). Acceptance or rejection of this option must be made at the time of initial registration for each semester or summer session made at the time of initial registration for each semester or summer session.