Susan Gans

Susan Gans
  • Professor of Psychology
  • Department: Psychology
  • Institution: West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Email:


  • Ph.D., The University of Chicago

Research Interests

life transitionstress hormonesleep patterns


Work Study Positions Available: No

Grant Funded Positions Available: No

Course-Credit Research Opportunities Available: No

Volunteer Research Positions Available: No

Contact Information

Phone: 610-436-3270

List of Publications

  • Johnson, V. K., Gans, S. E., Kerr, S., & LaValle, W. (accepted for publication). Managing the transition to college: family functioning, emotion coping, and adjustment in emerging adulthood. Journal of College Student Development. Johnson, V. K., Kerr, S., Gans, S. E., & Bierschwale, D. (2009). Adolescent adjustment to college before and after September 11, 2001. Journal of The First Year Experience and Students in Transition, 21, 91-112. Johnson, V. K., Gans, S. E., Kerr, S. & Deegan, K. (2008). Managing the transition to college: the role of family cohesion and adolescents' emotional coping strategies. Journal of College of Orientation and Transition, 15, 29-46. Kerr, S., Johnson, V.K., Gans, S.E., & Krumrine, J. (2004). Predicting adjustment during the transition to college: Alexithymia, perceived stress, and psychological symptoms. Journal of College Student Development, 45, 593-611. Gans, S. E. & Johnson, V. K. (2009). Late adolescent cortisol response varies within individuals over time. Presented to the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Gans, S. E., Johnson, V. K., Kerr, S., and Cairns, A. A. (2006). Sleep, cortisol, and the late adolescent transition to college. Presented to the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Gans, S. E., Kerr, S., and Johnson, V. K. (2004). Cortisol reactivity, emotional expression, and the late adolescent transition to college. Presented to the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Gans, S. E. and Johnson, V. K. (2002). Cortisol changes during the transition to college. Developmental Psychobiology, 41, 305. Presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. Heil, M., Johnson, V. K., & Gans, S. E. (March, 2010). Social eating and the late adolescent transition to college. Poster to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA. Johnson, V. K. & Gans, S. E. (2010). Cortisol reactivity as a marker for college adjustment during emerging adulthood. Poster to be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA. Johnson, V. K. & Gans, S. E. (2009). Gender specific risk and protective factors for maladjustment during the college transition. Paper to be presented at the PASSHE Women's Consortium Annual Meeting, West Chester University, West Chester, PA. Johnson, V.K. & Gans, S. E. (March, 2009). Family adaptation and emotion coping during emerging adulthood: Explaining variance in college adjustment. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Johnson, V.K. & Gans, S. E. (March, 2008). Coping with emotion during the transition to college: Predicting college adjustment beyond the first college year. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Chicago, IL. LaValle, W. D., Johnson, V. K., Gans, S. E., & Kerr, S. (March, 2008). Coping with Gender and Racial Stereotypes During the College Transition.Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Chicago, IL. Johnson, V. K., Gans, S. E., Kerr, S., LaValle, W., Kizewich, K., Middleton, J., *Miller, E., and *Palmeri, S. (March, 2007). Managing the transition to college: family cohesion, emotion coping, and adolescent behavior problems. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA. Johnson, V. K., Gans, S. E., Kerr, S., LaValle, W., Bee, S., Szeyller, E., and Wonsock, G. (March, 2007). Emotion coping and adolescent behavior problems: Validating the TMMS. poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA. Cairns, A. A. & Gans, S. E. (October, 2006). Sleep, cortisol, and the late adolescent transition to college. Paper presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology.