Involvement Fair

The Involvement Fair is one of many opportunities to get involved in campus and student life. Student Organizations set up displays and have members available to talk one on one about what their organization does on campus or in the community. Involvement in co-curricular experiences is an important part of having a successful college career. With over 290 student organizations to choose from, SLI encourages students to pick at least two organizations to actively engage with. Have questions? Stop by and talk to a leadership consultant or email us at

West Chester University has a zero tolerance for hazing across all student organizations.

Want to prepare to attend the involvement fairs? Prepare for the Involvement Fair via this asynchronous D2L module and have it added to your co-curricular Ram Plan today!

Fall 2024 Involvement Fair InformatioN: 9/4 from 11AM - 2PM on the academic quad.


The Fall 2024 Involvement Fair will take place on the Academic Quad on September 4th from 11 AM - 2 PM. Stop by to check out our student organizations and how to get engaged on campus! Throughout the summer, this page will be updated with a map and a list of organizations who will be participating. 

You can preview all of our registered organization on RamConnect

Any questions regarding attending or participating in the fairs can be sent to

Register for the Fair on RamConnect Now!

Other Things to Know:

  • The Office of Student Leadership & Involvement's Information Booth will be on the grassy area of the Academic Quad in the large purple and gold tent closer to Asplundh.
  • There will be water stations on the grassy area on the Quad.
  • EMS will be on stand-by for the entirety of the event.

Virtual Fair

The Virtual Involvement Fair will take place from September 1st to September 30th on RamConnect. This is a great option to explore student organizations at your own pace!

Information for Student Organizations

The in-person fair can accommodate 220 student organizations. In order to be eligible to participate in these fairs, your organization must be a recognized organization (not in the new and forming organization process) and in good standing with the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement (not suspended and fully re-registered). Please communicate among your organization and only fill out this form one time per organization. We will confirm your spot at the in-person fair by August 12th. The form will close on August 9th OR beforehand if 220 organization sign-up by August 9th so sign-up early since tables are given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Fall 2024 Involvement Fair Sign-Ups for Student Organizations

Information for Campus Partners and Departments

The in-person fair can accommodate a select number of campus partners and departments who offer out -of-classroom engagement opportunities for students. Applications will be due by August 1st, and you will receive communication about selection by August 15th. Completion of this application does not guarantee a table. 


There is no limit for participants at the virtual involvement fair. All departments with RamConnect portals are welcome to participate and activate a virtual booth. If you do not have a RamConnect portal, you can email to have one set-up.