CESW Assessment Office
The College of Education and Social Work (CESW) has designed and implemented an Assessment System aligned with its conceptual framework and professional, state, and national standards. This system enables the collection and analysis of data on candidates, faculty, mentor teachers, clinical and field placements, Professional Education Unit Assessments, and all programs leading to certification as teachers and other school professionals.
The Unit Assessment System consists of multiple measures/activities. The measures provide evidence of:
- the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions by candidates,
- the effectiveness and efficiency of operations of the Office of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services,
- the qualifications of Unit faculty to teach, engage in scholarly activity, and participate in service; and
- the institution and Unit structures of governance, budget, and physical space used by the Unit to fulfill its mission.
Professional Education Unit
The Professional Education Unit (PEU/"Unit") at West Chester University includes all programs culminating in a teacher education degree and/or Pennsylvania teacher certification.
The Unit is proud to be accredited, recognized, and approved by national and regional accrediting bodies, professional organizations, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). This level of recognition is clear evidence of the Unit’s ability to prepare candidates with the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions they will need to be successful and effective educators.
A critical element of any accreditation or program recognition process is assessment. The Unit maintains a sophisticated quality assurance system that allows us to measure the performance of candidates and the effectiveness of the Unit’s operations.
Unit Programs
Initial-Licensure Programs
- Early Grades Preparation
- Middle Grades Preparation
- Special Education
(PreK-4, Grades 4-8 - English Education
- Foreign Language Education
(French, German, Russian, Spanish) - Mathematics Education
- Science Education
(Biology, Chemistry, General, Earth & Space, Physics)
Advanced-Level Programs
- Literacy Education
M.Ed. in Literacy & Reading Specialist Certification - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Education
Certificate in ESL Teaching
Program Assessment
Educator Preparation Programs in the Unit have an obligation not only to measure the performance of their Candidates on performance indicators from the Unit Conceptual Framework using Unit Assessments, they have an obligation to measure program specific goals or performance indicators, against specialized professional association and Pennsylvania Department of Education standards. Maintaining a culture of continuous improvement implies devoting regular attention to the process of collecting and analyzing assessment data for the purposes of identifying program and Unit strengths and areas of need and acting to make improvements in the areas of need.
Unit Assessments
The Unit Assessments (measures of Candidate performance) include:
- Certification exams,
- Professional Dispositions,
- Lesson plans,
- Student Learning Objective plans,
- Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluations,
- Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) 430 Forms ,
- Benchworks Teacher Education Exit Assessment (TEEA) Surveys, and
- Alumni surveys for Initial-Licensure and Advanced-Level Educator Preparation Programs.
These assessment measures reflect the Unit performance indicators from the Conceptual Framework that guides all WCU Educator Preparation Programs. Department Chairs and Assessment Coordinators can view Unit- and program-level assessment data in Tk20 using these instructions .
Unit Assessment Software System
Assessment Resources
The following are documents and links to university, commonwealth, and national resources focused on assessment.
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) 430 Form
AACTE - American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
AALHE - Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education
Council of Professional Education
The Council of Professional Education (CPE) is a shared governance organization for the Unit at West Chester University. It's use of a consensus model for operating the Unit to determine all major curricular and policy issues, rather than using a majority rule voting model, is unique. Membership is representative of all programs within the Unit and includes faculty, staff, and students. The CPE, working with the Executive Committee, standing committees, and forums:
The object of the Council of Professional Education shall be to:
- monitor and revise, as necessary, the conceptual framework for the Educator Preparation Programs;
- monitor professional education policies and program practices to ensure responsiveness to educational needs and for conformity to institutional guidelines and to state and national standards;
- recommend to the Educator Preparation Programs Head (Dean of the College of Education
and Social Work) the approval or non-approval of:
• any new professional education program or a new program that includes education courses within a department that offers a PDE certification and/or a PDE endorsement program,
• any change to a professional education program or program that includes education courses within a department that offers a PDE certification and/or a PDE endorsement program that affects more than one department,
• any course or program proposal that affects more than one department or College, and
• any new academic policy or change to an academic policy within the Educator Preparation Programs that affects more than one College (all such proposals will go to CAPC with the recommendations from both CPE and the Unit Head) - assist the Educator Preparation Programs Head in developing, revising, and implementing policies within the Educator Preparation Programs;
- recommend to the Educator Preparation Programs Head approval or non-approval of any new non-academic policy or change to a non-academic policy affecting solely the Educator Preparation Programs and affecting more than one college and/or department;
- provide a forum for discussing and resolving issues affecting the Educator Preparation Programs and/or the Unit;
- monitor the Unit assessment process and instruments, analyze the data and results from the Unit performance assessments, and review/recommend plans for Unit improvement;
- monitor program assessment processes and review/provide feedback for program assessment reports;
- encourage the development of improved approaches to professional education;
- be a primary mechanism for the dissemination of information relevant to professional education;
- coordinate field experience requirements within the Educator Preparation Programs;
- assist in monitoring Act 48 credits.
The elected officers of the CPE will be the Facilitator and the Associate Facilitator,
who shall be faculty members of the Education Preparation Programs. The Facilitator
and the Associate Facilitator may not be from the same College. The Facilitator and
the Associate Facilitator may not serve as consensus-determining or advisory members
of the CPE during their terms of office.
CPE Facilitator
The duties of the Facilitator shall be to:
- set the agenda for the CPE meetings;
- facilitate the meetings of the CPE;
- certify that a quorum is present before conducting official business at all the CPE meetings;
- record and transmit CPE’s recommendations and rationale concerning curriculum and academic policy proposals;
- serve as a liaison between the CPE and the Educator Preparation Programs’ Unit Head;
- appoint the members of and determine the charge of ad hoc committees, subject to the affirmation or modification by the CPE; and
- oversee work of the Associate Facilitator and Secretary.
CPE Associate Facilitator
The duties of the Associate Facilitator shall be to:
- oversee the collection and distribution of documents to come before the CPE;
- collect and monitor the reports and minutes of all committees and forums of the CPE;
- work with the Secretary of the CPE to ensure the accuracy and prompt distribution of the agenda and minutes of the proceedings of the CPE;
- oversee the keeping of rosters of CPE consensus, committee, forum, and advisory-members; and
- perform the duties of the Facilitator in their absence.
CPE Secretary
A member or members of the university staff shall be appointed by the Educator Preparation Programs Head to serve as Secretary for the CPE. The Secretary will serve until the Educator Preparation Programs Head appoints a replacement.
Duties of the Secretary of the CPE shall be to:
- attend and take minutes at all meetings of the CPE;
- type the minutes of the CPE meetings;
- work with the Associate Facilitator of the CPE to ensure the accuracy and prompt distribution of the agenda and minutes of the proceedings of the CPE to all faculty members of the Educator Preparation Programs, to all Deans of the University, and to all advisory members of the CPE who are not faculty members in the Educator Preparation Programs;
- keep records of minutes, correspondence, and transactions of this body and its committees and forums.
Consensus-Determining Members
Consensus-determining members are those members who may answer when the Facilitator asks CPE whether consensus has been reached. These members will be chosen by their constituencies using whatever means each area determines is appropriate. There will be a total of 11 consensus-determining members.
There will be nine consensus-determining members from the College of Education and Social Work (CESW):
- two from Early and Middle Grades Education with one member from EGP and one member from MGP,
- one from Secondary Education,
- one from Special Education,
- one from Literacy,
- one from Educational Foundations and Policy Studies,
- one from Educational Leadership and Higher Education Administration,
- one from Counselor Education, and
- one from Health and Physical Education
There will be one consensus-determining member from the Department of Languages and
in the College of Arts and Humanities (CAH).
There will be one consensus-determining member from the Department of Music Education
the Wells School of Music.
If a consensus-determining member cannot attend a meeting of the CPE, they should
designate a
proxy. A proxy must be a member of the Educator Preparation Program and must also
be a member
of the constituency that the consensus-determining member represents.
Advisory Members
Advisory members are responsible for attending the meetings of the CPE and expressing their views on any issue. They do not have the right to answer when the Facilitator asks whether consensus has been reached. The advisory members of the CPE are the following:
- the Educator Preparation Provider Head (CESW Dean),
- the CESW Associate Dean of Curriculum and Accreditation,
- the Director of Professional Education, Certification, and Compliance,
- the Director of the Technology Center for the College of Education and Social Work,
- the Executive Director of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services,
- the Associate Director of Clinical Experiences,
- the Associate Director of Candidate Services,
- the Director of Assessment,
- the Assistant Director of Data Administration,
- members of standing committees of the CPE who are not already consensus-determining or advisory members of CPE,
- one faculty member from any program in the Educator Preparation Programs whose consensus-determining representative on the CPE is from another department/program (for example, Communication Sciences and Disorders is the consensus-determining member for the College of Health Sciences),
- one faculty member from the College of Sciences and Mathematics, and
- one faculty member from the College of Arts and Humanities
In addition, all other West Chester University Deans are invited to attend any or
all of the CPE
meetings as advisory members but are not required to do so.
Assessment & Accreditation Committee
The Assessment & Accreditation Committee shall:
- monitor the Unit assessment process and instruments, analyze the data and results from the Unit performance assessments, review and recommend plans for improvement of the assessment process/instruments and of the Unit;
- monitor program assessment processes; review program assessment reports and provide feedback to the CPE;
- advise the CPE about relevant state standards and policies, national accreditation standards, and any changes or proposed changes to these standards and policies;
- collaborate with the Unit Head in preparing and coordinating national and state accreditation efforts;
- publish appropriate information for candidates on appropriate platforms; and
- submit all minutes and a yearly report to the Associate Facilitator of CPE.
Consensus-Determining Members
- CESW Associate Dean of Curriculum and Accreditation;
- CESW Director of Assessment;
- CESW Assistant Director of Data Administration;
- Four members from the CESW;
- One member from an EPP outside of the CESW; and
- Additional consensus-determining and advisory members may be appointed by the CPE Facilitator.
Field Experience Committee
The Field Experience Committee shall:
- assist the Executive Director of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services in developing relationships with school districts for student placements;
- monitor field placements to assess the quality of our candidates’ educational experiences and their opportunities to work in diverse settings and with a diverse population of students;
- assist the Executive Director of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services in developing and carrying out plans for informing mentoring teachers about our conceptual framework, policies, and assessments;
- evaluate the activities assigned and the number of hours of field experience in the Unit’s educational programs;
- publish appropriate information for candidates on appropriate platforms; and
- submit all minutes and a yearly report to the Associate Facilitator of CPE.
Consensus-Determining Members
- Four members from the CESW;
- One member from an EPP outside of the CESW; and
- Additional consensus-determining members may be appointed by the CPE Facilitator.
Advisory Members
- Director or Associate Director of Clinical Experiences and Candidate Services;
- One undergraduate student;
- One graduate student; and
- Additional advisory members may be appointed by the CPE Facilitator.
Act 48 Committee
The Act 48 Committee shall:
- train committee members in reviewing programs seeking Act 48 credits;
- hold at least one workshop a year to support faculty or programs seeking Act 48 credits;
- hold at least one annual review of programs seeking Act 48 credits;
- submit approved programs to Dean’s office for submission to PDE;
- publish appropriate information for faculty on appropriate platforms; and
- submit all minutes and a yearly report to the Associate Facilitator of CPE.
Consensus-Determining Members
- Four members from the CESW;
- One member from an EPP outside of the CESW; and
- Additional consensus-determining members may be appointed by the CPE Facilitator.
Advisory Members
- Director of Professional Education, Certification, and Compliance; and
- Additional advisory members may be appointed by the CPE Facilitator.
The Candidate Forum shall:
- consider the impact and implementation of PDE, CAEP, PASSHE, WCU, and Educator Preparation Programs policies on undergraduate students in the Educator Preparation Programs;
- discuss other issues of importance to candidates in the Professional Education Unit; and
- forward its suggestions/concerns to the CPE or one of its committees.
One faculty advisor (from the CPE appointed by the CPE Executive Committee),
undergraduate and graduate students (selected by their respective programs). For programs
with two representatives, one should be from an undergraduate program, and one should
be from a graduate program:
- two from Early Grades Education,
- two from Middle Grades Education,
- two from Special Education,
- two from Literacy (one literacy minor and one Reading Specialist certification),
- two from Secondary Education,
- one from Educational Foundations and Policy Studies (Transformative Education),
- two from Languages and Cultures,
- two from Health and Physical Education,
- two from Music Education,
- one from Educational Leadership and Higher Education Administration,
- one from Counselor Education,
- one from Communication Sciences and Disorders, and
- one from the School Nurse Program.