Finance and Business Services Contact List

Organization Chart
Associate Vice President for Finance and Business Services
Administrative Assistant

Accounting and Financial Reporting

Assistant Controller
Accounting Manager
  • Vacant 
Senior Accountant

Bursar's Office

Assistant Vice President of Student Financial Services and Bursar

Student Financial Services

Associate Director of Student Financial Services Refund Coordinator Business Analyst Fiscal Technician Receptionist

Customer Service and Collections

Assistant Director of Customer Service and Collections AR Manager Account Representatives


Bursar Operations

Assistant Director of Bursar Operations Cashiering Supervisor Cashiers
  • Kristine Blakely | 610-436-2254 |


Director of Business Services
Administrative Assistant
Donna Elison | 610-436-2706 |

Accounts Payable

Please use the AP Invoices email to communicate inquiries, documents, travel vouchers and other AP related forms, rather than contacting individual AP team members.

AP Vendor Email |

Please use the AP Vendor Email to communicate inquiries for any vendor invoices or payments, rather than contacting individual AP team members.

Card Systems Email |

Please use the Card Systems Email to communicate inquiries related to a PCard or Travel Card.  Payroll Office.
Accounts Payable Manager Assistant Accounts Payable Manager Card Systems Administrator Accounts Payable Processors

Construction Procurement

Construction Procurement Manager



Purchasing Email |
Please use the Purchasing mailbox to communicate any inquiries regarding the use of public funds, the bid threshold, public bidding, Request for Proposals, or any other Purchasing questions rather than contacting individual Purchasing Team members.
Purchasing Manager Assistant Purchasing Manager Purchasing Agent Fiscal Assistant
  • Vacant

University Post Office

Postal Services Supervisor Postal Clerk


Director of Business Systems
Senior Business Systems Analyst
Junior Business Systems Analyst


Please use the Payroll Email to communicate inquiries, documents, timesheets and issues, rather than contacting individual payroll team members. This email is the most effective way to communicate with the Payroll Office.
Payroll Manager
Assistant Payroll Manager
Fiscal Technician
Fiscal Assistant